Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Deafblindness in the News

The Virginian Pilot newspaper, the daily newspaper for the Tidewater Virginia area, carried an article yesterday on deafblindness. The article can be found here.

The reporter did a good job writing this article - not a lot of depth of information, but at least enough to raise awareness. The conference, unfortunately, is being organized by a group of four frustrated parents, and will feature some 'experts' whose opinions are not the most well-respected in the deafblind community. I worry that teachers, administrators and other professionals who might attend will feel the anger and frustration and will leave with a negative opinion.

One of the most difficult things for very frustrated parents, in my opinion, is finding the balance between collaboration and effective advocacy. I wish there was a magic formula for that, but unfortunately there is not, and a negative result could be worsening relationships between parents and professionals. The children, I fear, will then bear the brunt of those poor relationships.

I hope things go well for these parents and for the conference and that the result will be an increased awareness of their children's needs.

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