Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today's list of things for which I am most thankful...

  • That Thursday is just one day away from the last day of the work week

  • Police officers and fire fighters

  • Long lived lives. My friend, Josie’s, grandmother passed away this week at the wonderful age of 98

  • Really salty pistachios

  • Children who listen and do what is asked of them the very first time

  • Lazy summer meals, cooked on the grill and shared with family and friends

  • That Big Brother is back on TV

  • Fishing

  • Moles in my yard because they eat grub worms and save me the cost of aerating the lawn

  • Summer sales on bathing suits (who wants to buy a bathing suit in January anyway?)

1 comment:

  1. Someone once suggested that I should take five minutes every morning to list the things I'm thankful for.

    You've just reminded me of this.


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