Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Thankful Thursday - A Day Early

Because I am in court all day tomorrow continuing the fight for Ashley's right to appropriate services from her insurance carrier, I am sharing Thankful Thursday a day early this week. This week's list...

  • Lighter rush hour traffic in the summer, probably because of people taking vacations

  • Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches with homemade lemonade with fresh mint from my herb garden

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Freshly starched shirts from the cleaners

  • This week’s bus driver and bus aide for Ashley. They ‘get it’.

  • That I can still wear shorts, a tank top and flip flops without scaring babies and small children

  • Summer rain showers

  • The goldfinches and hummingbirds that have taken up residence in my yard this summer

  • Watching my two cats wrestle and turn into one big ball of multicolored fur

  • Chinese food, especially Kung Pao Chicken

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