Friday, August 31, 2007

Thankful Thursday - Forgetful Friday

I know, I know - I missed Thankful Thursday. Can I blame it on the fact that I have been on vacation all week?? Here's is this week's list, a day late...

  • Digital cameras - I love being able to delete pictures that don't turn out unlike the old-fashioned way of developing all prints and then throwing away half of them.

  • Fudge - one can't go to the beach without getting at least a pound of fudge. Myrtle Turtle is my favorite!

  • Ashley's willingness to try new things. Sometimes, there is a little bit of a battle to convince her that she actually will have fun if she just trusts me, but the end result is priceless. Thursday she agreed to go on a jet boat and ended up having a blast!!

  • Swimming pools - if you know someone who has a pool, make them your best friend - at least during the summer!

  • That Amber was finally eliminated on Big Brother. I was so very tired of her constant crying

  • Solarcaine - the ONLY thing that makes a sunburn bearable.

  • Satellite radio - no matter where we drive, I can always listen to my 60's music and that is very important when on vacation

  • That even though vacation has been wonderful, getting back into a structured routine with the start of school is just around the corner

  • That Chip finally finished his second of three books on his summer reading list. So now there are two days left and one book to go - but who wants to rush?

  • And most importantly, that I have a job that allows me to take a week of vacation every summer, that friends and family can enjoy that vacation together, and that everyone stayed healthy all week!

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