Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Thankful Thursday

For the majority of this week, I am attending a conference on deafblindness - dual sensory impairments. Today's list of those things for which I am thankful come from that conference. Today I am thankful for...

  • Air conditioning in the conference hotel. The temperature outside was 102 today!

  • All the wonderful childcare workers who have been helping with the kids whose families attend the conference. A lot of the children have very challenging behaviors, yet our wonderful childcare workers continue to return each year for this conference.

  • That at this conference, rather than in normal day-to-day life, being different is a good thing, a thing that is celebrated!

  • A chance to rejuvenate, a chance for hope to be reborn

  • That Ashley sang the 'woof woof' in the Doggie in the Window song at EXACTLY the right moment - pretty cool for a kid that is deaf

  • That Amy, Toni, Stephanie and Renee brought Ashley home and put her to bed so I could stay and network with other parents.

  • That I learn something new everytime I attend a conference like this, something I can use to make a difference in my child's life and the life of many other children with deafblindness

  • Free lunch and dinner for my family, and especially not having to cook

  • That so many of our childcare workers are excited about learning sign language!

  • That Ashley has turned into a social butterfly this summer. She is comfortable with so many new people, loves to 'work' the crowd, and doesn't lose her cool as much in strange places.

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