Thursday, September 27, 2007

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It...

I decided that it might be fun to check out the mission statements of some of the larger school districts around my state. I checked Henrico County, Chesterfield County, Richmond City, Charles City County, Hanover County, Goochland County, Powhatan County, and New Kent County. I also took a stroll eastward in my state to check out Virginia Beach City Schools, and Norfolk City Schools. And finally, I searched for a mission statement from the Virginia Department of Education. Listed below are my findings. Any text in red is either a comment from me or a highlighting of a school district statement I find particularly interesting. My next research project will involve finding some sort of measure as to whether or not the school districts met their missions. And, if there is any parent who thinks their school districts have, I have a some wonderful ocean front property in Arizona I would like you to see.

Henrico County Schools
Mission Statement
In Henrico County Public Schools, we believe that:
• we can teach every child
every child can learn
• knowledge is power
• student success requires a shared responsibility by students, teachers,
parents, and community
every child deserves respect
every child is unique and has a right to be
every child can contribute to society
• children will meet our expectations
• given the knowledge and opportunity, children can shape their own futures
• the process of schooling must change to be effective in the 21st century

The mission of Henrico County Public Schools is to provide a nationally
recognized educational program and staff to develop 21st-century citizens
who can achieve full development of their potential and, as critical
thinkers and lifelong learners, exhibit through their character and values a
commitment to their community and the nation, as well as personal integrity
which will enable them to meet the challenges of change.

Chesterfield County Schools
Vision Statement:

In 2012, we envision that every Chesterfield school will be a thriving, dynamic and inspiring educational environment that produces self-directed learners and stimulates citizens of all ages to trust in, invest in, and benefit from public education.

Mission Statement:
The mission of the CCPS is to work in partnership with students, families and the community to ensure that each student acquires the knowledge, skills and core values necessary to achieve personal success and to enrich the community.

Hanover County Schools (I couldn’t find a mission statement online for this school district. That could mean one does not exist, or it is just not posted online.) The following quote is on the bottom of every one of their web pages, however.

"Hanover County Public Schools is a student-centered, community driven school district that assures a quality education for success in a changing world."

Richmond City Schools (Again, I couldn’t find a mission statement online for this school district. That could mean one does not exist, or it is just not posted online.) The following quote is on the top of every one of their web pages, however.

Richmond “The Capital Choice in Education” (As long as you are not a school board member trying to remember where your office is this week.)

Goochland County Schools (Again, I couldn’t find a mission statement online for this school district. That could mean one does not exist, or it is just not posted online.) The following quote is on the top of every one of their web pages, however.

Goochland “Working Together for a Quality Education”

Powhatan County Schools – I couldn’t find a mission statement. And, there was no catchy little quote posted on any of their web pages.

Charles City County Public Schools (Again, I couldn’t find a mission statement online for this school district. That could mean one does not exist, or it is just not posted online.)

The following quote is on the top of every one of their web pages, however. – “Demanding excellence because we care

New Kent County Public Schools - I couldn’t find a mission statement. And, there was no catchy little quote posted on any of their web pages.

Norfolk City Schools

There was nothing labeled as their mission statement, but the following is posted on every web page:

“On the journey to world class” Norfolk Public Schools offers a rich and rigourous learning environment where all children can reach their full potential as citizens and leaders. We create a safe place where students experience nurturing relationships, and want to learn.

Virginia Beach City Schools

Mission Statement
The mission of the Virginia Beach City Public Schools, in partnership with our entire community, is to ensure that each student is empowered with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the Challenges of the future.

Goal Areas
The School Board has established a framework for the future of our schools. There are seven goal areas:
1. Expanded Instructional Opportunities Through Data Driven Curriculum
2. Safe Schools and Effective, Well-Disciplined Environment
3. Effective, Efficient Use of Resources to Create Quality Educational Opportunities
4. Technology Integrated into Our Curriculum and Instruction
5. Recognition of Our Diversity - Respect for All People
6. Quality Work Force: Trained and Accountable for Performance
7. Meaningful Involvement of Community, Parents, and Partners

Virginia Department of Education

The mission of the Department of Education is to lead and facilitate the development and implementation of a quality public education system that meets the needs of students and assists them in becoming educated, productive, and responsible citizens. (At least they don't say "meet the needs of ALL students".)

The vision of the Department of Education, in cooperation with the Board of Education, local school boards, and other partners, is to create an excellent statewide system of public education that equips all students with the knowledge and skills to excel in postsecondary education and careers and to become capable, responsible, and self-reliant citizens. (Oops, they slipped up and said ALL STUDENTS here!)

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