Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful for...

  • Having a day off yesterday from work. Yes, I was sick, but it was still wonderful to just lie in bed and do nothing all day. I needed it desperately.

  • Cooler evenings and early mornings

  • My down comforter that my brother gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago

  • Online shopping

  • Lasagna, salad and garlic bread

  • That I am having lunch tomorrow with Jane and Debbie - always a fun time!

  • Ashley's sweet kiss when she first wakes up in the morning

  • Japanese Cherry Blossom body lotion from Bath and Body Works

  • That there is nothing on CNN.COM today about Britney Spears

  • That I get to meet my new VaLend trainee this weekend

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