I know - it's really Friday - but I was sick yesterday and took the whole day off from writing. So, here is this week's Thankful Thursday on Friday list. Today I am thankful...
- that after 73 days in the hospital, BROOKE IS HOME!!
- for freshly-baked, gooey chocolate chip cookies
- for James Taylor concert tickets! Amy and I are going to see him next week!
- that the weather has finally gotten cooler. Richmond set a record for heat earlier this week, and today I had to turn on the heat in my car for my morning commute.
- for home-made cinammon applesauce, made with the apples my family picked a couple of weeks ago
- that Ashley slept seven straight hours last night! We've had some rough nights this week, and she and I really needed a break from all her middle of the night partying
- for cough drops
- for my fat cat, Winky, who likes to sleep right next to my feet at night. She's better than a hot water bottle anyday!
- that my next door neighbor, Mr. Baldwin, is back home after his hospital stay last week
- that my son, Corey, has brought his failing English grade up to a 'C'
What a wonderful list!