Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for...

  • Being able to sit on my front porch on one of the last warms days of fall, and waving to my neighbors walking through the neighborhood.

  • Leaving work early and surprising Ashley when I meet her school bus in the afternoon.

  • the functioning heating system in my house. Last night it was 27 degrees.

  • chocolate croissants

  • friends like Amy who will devote an entire day to helping my rearrange my house in anticipation of bringing my oldest daughter home from the residential placement in which she has been for the last 3 years.

  • my sons, Chip and Corey, who agree with my decision to bring their oldest sister home, and are making sacrifices themselves to support that decision

  • a cup of hot cocoa on a cold Sunday morning

  • Christmas, which is just a little over 6 weeks away!

  • my adoption support group

  • the quiet in my house, with all my children tucked into their beds, while I read a good book, and sit wrapped in a down throw in my favorite chair

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