Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today is a special Thankful Thursday because it is also Thanksgiving Day. Before starting my kitchen duty, I wanted to list the most important things in my life, things for which I am so very thankful:

  • I’m thankful for my four beautiful and incredible children. Though they can at times pluck my last nerve, they are my heaven on earth.

  • I’m thankful for my wonderful friend, Amy. She is the one who is always available to provide a shoulder on which to cry, a lecture when I need to be told to slow down, and she is always the rainbow at the end of my every rainy day.

  • I’m thankful that I have a job that pays well and allows me to provide a warm, clean home, adequate food, most of the necessities and some of the ‘wants’ for my family.

  • I’m thankful for my twin brother, Carl, and my lovely niece, Melody. They are my connection to our shared history, a grounding force when the world seems to spin crazily.

  • I’m thankful for Ashley’s deafblindness. Her disability has allowed me to see and hear the true wonder and beauty this world has to offer.

  • I’m thankful for my faith – the God that is my rock and my source of strength. Though I don’t have a church home for my family, my dedication and commitment remain strong and true – just like my God.

  • I’m thankful for the technology and the freedom I have to share my thoughts. Whether anyone else ever reads this blog, I am fortified and renewed by putting my words out to the world.

  • I’m thankful that the health issues I face each day, though significant, have not impaired my ability to do the thing I enjoy the most – being a mother to my children.

  • I’m thankful for all the people who offer support for my children and me, people who work to help my children reach their highest potential, people who fight for the rights of my children, people who never judge but offer the wisdom I so often need - people like Jonathan, Sophia, Carlye, Mark, Charisse, John, Alex, Mike, Kari, the other Jonathan and Jane. I love you guys!

  • And finally, I’m thankful for roast turkey, stuffing, corn pudding, fresh green beans, sweet potatoes, yeast rolls and pumpkin pie!!

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