Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for butter - the staple of Ashley's life

  • for the fresh strawberries my elderly neighbor shared with me this week. Strawberries in the winter can taste so sweet, especially when shared!

  • for the Governor of Virginia who believes everyone should have access to health insurance

  • for the wife of Virginia's Governor who believes all children deserve a permanent home

  • that I only have one more Christmas gift to buy and then I am finished shopping!

  • that Ashley's wonderful teacher is pregnant with twins!

  • that most of the food from last week's Holiday Open House is almost gone. I never thought I could ever have enough spinach dip. I was wrong.

  • that Amy is moving to a new apartment, and it is less than a mile from our house

  • for Christmas gift bags. I really don't enjoy wrapping presents, and it shows

  • that I saw Ashley's sweet smile several times yesterday. Because she has been feeling poorly, her smiles have been few and far between

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