Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful…

  • That the sun is shining brightly and the wind is calm. That makes the 19 degree temperature much more bearable.

  • That this is only a three day work week.

  • For rich chocolate brownies, preferably with pecans.

  • For Puffs Plus Tissues with Lotion

  • That I finally have an appointment for Ashley with the University of Virginia Pediatric Epilepsy Clinic (February 4th)

  • That Corey was able to visit with his grandparents and his cousins over the Christmas holiday

  • For liquid hand sanitizer

  • That I don’t need to come up with anymore recipes for using leftover Christmas turkey

  • For the snuggly scarf I received as a Christmas gift. I really, really needed it this morning

  • For my overstuffed, oversized chair – perfect for sharing with a child!

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