Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful....

  • That God gives you rainbows when you need them the most

  • For the chance to see two old friends this week, Sharon and Heike

  • That high school mid-term exam week is over tomorrow. My sons will have an entire weekend with no homework!

  • That my phone plan allows me to make unlimited long distance calls at no extra cost

  • That Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Chocolate...yummmmm!

  • For snow showers - beautiful but not a driving hazard

  • For toothpaste that doesn't come in a tube, but rather a little bottle. That way, there are no comments made about squeezing the tube in the middle.

  • For cardinals, the Virginia state bird, and a beautiful flash of red streaking through the trees on a cold winter day

  • For really hot showers when I first wake up on a cold morning

  • For oatmeal with fresh strawberries or fresh blueberries

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