Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I had almost decided to forego my usual Thankful Thursday post today because I just received some very tragic news. The 6 month old daughter of a dear friend passed away in her sleep last night. The only news I have so far is that little Hannah may have had cardiac arrest in her sleep, but the family is awaiting autopsy results. I am angry at God right now, and cannot understand why so many children to whom I am connected have had to die. In light of those feelings, I do feel compelled to try to find 10 things for which, at this very moment, I am thankful.

I am thankful...

  • that my faith is strong and even though I don't understand and am angry, I still trust God and His wisdom.

  • that my children are safe and well

  • that my friend, Carla, has a wonderful husband and a large family on whom to lean during this difficult time

  • that Carla had her beautiful little daughter for 6 months

  • for my friends, my family, and everyone who helps me find strength during difficult times

  • that I have plans to spend a weekend soon with Lynnette and Brooke

  • for beautiful, warm and sunny days in the middle of winter

  • for rainbows at funerals

  • for every good thing in my life and the lives of the people I love

  • for every breath I take


  1. So sorry to hear of your friends daughter, so very tragic. A difficult time for all.

  2. I'm very sorry. That must be so hard for all of you.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's loss. I wanted to let you know about a group, Parent Heart Watch ( which is a group comprised of parents who have also lost children due to sudden cardiac arrest. They are an amazing group of people and it may be of some comfort to her to be able to connect with parents who have gone through similar tragedies. I hope it helps. Take care.

  4. Kaitlin, thank you for the link. I will pass it along to the parents.


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