Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful...

  • for the time I got to spend last weekend with Lynnette and Brooke

  • and for the time I also got to spend with my brother and his lovely daughter, Melody

  • for the broccoli with homemade hollandaise sauce I had for dinner last Friday night

  • for my cat, Kitty Carlysle, who has been snuggling with me on these cold winter nights

  • for jellybeans

  • that my next door neighbor, Mr. Baldwin, seems to be feeling much better recently

  • for text messaging on my cell phone

  • for my new washer and dryer

  • that my brother is coming for a visit this weekend

  • that my friend, Sharon, seems to have finally found her prince after way too many frogs!

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