Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This and That


I work for a state government agency. The building in which I work is part of Capitol Square, so named because the State Capitol sits on a hill just to the right of my building. Around the square, which is actually more of a circle, also sits the Governor's Mansion, and several other state office buildings. I have noticed something about my office building, and several others on the Square - the buildings are not accessible. My building fronts a street with parking out front, and none of those parking places have been designated for people with disabilities. But, let's assume that one could find a parking space close by to accomodate a wheelchair lift out of the side or back of a van, that person still would have a very difficult, if not impossible, task trying to enter my building. There are no curb cuts.

At first I thought I must have just missed seeing them. Surely a state agency would have an accessible building. But I didn't miss them. They are not there. All tax-paying citizens are excluded from entering my state office building.

Two governors ago, our state had a lieutenant governor in a wheelchair. His office at that time was not on Capitol Square and was, I assume, accessible. It's a good thing that he is no longer the lieutenant governor because now the lieutenant governor's offices are in my building.


Why is it so difficult for school districts to find qualified vision teachers? Is this only a problem in my area? Two of the largest school districts in my area have openings for itinerant vision teachers, and those openings have been available for quite some time. In my county alone, three full time vision teachers have been hired, stayed only a short while, and then moved on. Dozens of students in my school district who have vision services listed on their IEPs are receiving no services because there are no vision teachers. Just what is the problem with hiring and keeping qualified vision teachers? Any ideas?

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