Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today, this bright, sunny but very windy spring day, I am thankful...

  • for the very courteous and helpful employee at Target last weekend who just happened to have cerebral palsy. And I am thankful that Target hired him.

  • for "everything" bagels from Panera Bread Company

  • for boys named Audin who like girls named Amy!

  • when Amy sends me pictures of Ashley to my cell phone. They are my window to her world when I am not around.

  • that I will get to visit with my friend, Sharon, her mom, Janice, and her handsome son, Dustin, tomorrow when Dustin comes to the Medical College of Virginia for dental surgery

  • that my son, Chip, has loaded up my IPod with some great music

  • that next week is Spring Break from school and I can get my boys to do some of the bigger chores around the house (This is probably not on their Thankful Thursday list!)

  • for Marla, my new blogland friend, and her willingness to share her daughter's story

  • that soon I will till my vegetable garden and start planting. Right now, the thought of a home-grown tomato is making my mouth water

  • that the birds are starting to gather nesting material. I hope that one will build a nest in my porch wreath again this year

p.s. Happy Birthday, Mr. Rogers!


  1. wait... think you took half of my list this week! :)


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