Friday, March 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday...On Friday

Well, Thursday didn't turn out quite as I had planned. I have had a really bad cold for a couple of weeks, and yesterday decided to go to the doctor. Instead of just having a bad cold, I have a sinus infection, and am feeling like something my cat killed and left on the porch :( But, I do want to post my Thankful Thursday list as usual. I find it helps me keep the rest of my week in perspective.

This week, I am thankful...

  • for the new mulch that my two sons did such a great job spreading in all my flower beds and gardens. Now I am anxious to plant flowers!

  • that my darling Ashley, the child that doctors said would never live to see her first birthday, turns 13 years old this week

  • for yellow Converse tennis shoes with white polka dots - Ashley's birthday present!

  • for warm spring breezes and gentle rains, perfect for a walk around the neighborhood

  • for tiny little puppies who find homes with good families

  • for Afrin nasal spray. I don't like the way that oral decongestants make me feel, and Afrin helps without those side effects

  • that it is now time to start planning what vegetables and herbs I will plant this year in my garden

  • for Sarah and her handsome son, Evan

  • that Ashley's old wheelchair, which I took to Goodwill, will be able to help another young child

  • for turkey burgers, loaded with lettuce, tomato and cucumbers, then slathered with herb mayonnaise

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