Friday, April 25, 2008

Hero Doctor

Imagine being so committed to an idea that you would sell your house and change your entire life to make that idea a reality. That’s exactly what Dr. Lorna Stuart did. She was so frustrated with all the insurance battles and paperwork involved in her traditional medical practice, so frustrated that those battles were taking time away from her patients, that she pooled all her resources and opened a clinic that accepted no insurance.

At her clinic, people receive free or low-cost primary medical care across eight specialties, regardless of income or locality. According to Dr. Stuart, “Since there's no need to spend a lot of time doing paperwork, we have time to talk to the patient and really hear what they're saying. So the patients go away feeling they've been heard, that they've been helped."

She is a hero in my eyes - "Each day, I get to treat the patients whom our medical system has forgotten, without the hassle of insurance paperwork," says Stuart. "Is it any wonder I once again feel the real joy of practicing the craft that I love?"

Here is a link to a story that CNN did about Dr. Stuart and her clinic, and here is the link to her clinic website.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That is amazing. I will have to read those articles because I am wondering how she makes enough money to treat the patients.

    We ahve went to a few doctors for M that don't take insurance but then we pay high cost out of pocket.


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