Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful...

  • For sunshine. We’ve had so many gray rainy days that the sun on my face this morning felt almost alien.

  • For puddles after a warm spring rain

  • For homemade biscuits with homemade jam

  • That my brother and niece will be visiting this weekend

  • That the Cooper’s Hawk that visits my neighborhood every Spring and Fall is back. Let the squirrel culling begin! (please, no PETA comments – this is just Mother Nature at work)

  • That I have finally hired an assistant for work. He starts on May 5th!

  • For ACE bandages. My arthritic elbow thanks me also.

  • That Marlee Matlin is still on Dancing With The Stars.

  • For the smell of new mulch in the garden

  • For the pieces of brightly colored yarn Amy threw in my yard hoping to entice the birds to use it as nesting material. How cool would it be to have a bird’s nest full of red, yellow and blue yarn.


  1. Another amazingly thankful list.

  2. This group of filipinos from L.A. find it a blessing that Marlee is on dwts also. She's such a refreshing spirit, and has been able to be in the entertainment business and still be a leader in the integrity department. we hope she goes far in the competition..

  3. I've just found your blog. And I love Thankful Thursdays. It is great to reminded to look at all the positives in life!


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