Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for the strong scent of honeysuckle each night as I walk through my neighborhood

  • for the lovely lunch I had today with an old friend of mine

  • that my newly-hired assistant began work this week. I'm hopeful that soon I may be able to take a day off!

  • that Maks made a guest appearance on Dancing With The Stars this week. Hubba hubba!

  • that Ashley has been well and very happy all week

  • for Boston Creme Pie

  • that I had the chance to meet and chat with a new family joining our Dreamcatchers Family Support Group. They have a remarkably special young son named Noah, and the whole family, Grandmom included, will be joining us for this year's family retreat.

  • that my son, Corey, picked out a very appropriate card to give his 'girlfriend' for her birthday. If you've read some of my other posts about Corey, you would understand why that is such a big deal.

  • for the relaxing moments I am able to spend watering my flower gardens each evening

  • that I have a door on my office and that I can close it if I need to

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