Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for men who still wear well-tailored suits

  • for a glass of iced tea with an orange slice in it

  • that Amy, Ashley, Corey and I were able to finish the 5K race last weekend

  • for days that I can work from home and save on gas for my car

  • for my alarm clock that gently wakes me in the morning with soft music rather than an annoying loud buzz

  • when I can pull out some of last summer's clothes and they still fit

  • for dinner on the patio

  • that Senator Ted Kennedy felt well enough to leave the hospital and even wants to go sailing this weekend

  • for the first grilled hotdog of the summer season - and for everyone one after that

  • for the easier evenings that come with the approach of the school year's end

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm...I don't much care for well tailored suits. Too much time in NJ with guys who dressed to a T and were the meanest most sexest pigs around. Ugh. It ruined me forever in that sense.

    Working from home is the best! We save a lot of money on gas since J works from home so often. We only need one car too.


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