Friday, May 30, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Yes, yes, I know - it's Friday, not Thursday. Having Monday off this week has thrown my whole schedule off. But regardless of the day of the week, I am still thankful...

  • that those frozen Weight Watcher's pizzas taste as good as they do

  • that Ashley is finally recovering from the very nasty cold she had last weekend

  • for the striking red-headed woodpecker who perches in the big maple tree right outside my window and serves as my alarm clock every morning

  • that I was able to talk to my beautiful 19 year old niece on the phone last night. Well actually, I listened while she talked, but it was still a great time.

  • that Corey was accepted as a teen volunteer (volunteen, as his nametag says) at our local library for the summer

  • for Visine and non-red eyes despite the massive pollen problems we have had this Spring

  • for parents like Vickie Beatty who fight the long battles for accessibility.

  • that I was able to experience the brilliant humor of Harvey Korman. May he rest in peace.

  • for how much better food tastes when it is cooked on the grill

  • that when shoe shopping, I find a shoe I really like the looks of, AND, it fits like a glove when I try it on

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping to find a good pair of flip flops this weekend. I love them. I also like Weight Watcher's Pizza. Their ravioli meal is good too.

    Have a great weekend!


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