Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Tribe Has Spoken

Alex Barton is 5 years old. Last week he was voted out of his kindergarten class because his fellow students felt he was "disgusting" and "annoying". The classroom teacher suggested the vote - the school prinicpal supported the teacher.

Sound unbelievable? Unfortunately, you and I know it is quite believable. Here is a link to a newspaper story:

St. Lucie teacher has students vote on whether 5-year-old can stay in class and make sure you read some of the comments left on the newspaper article ... talk about disgusting and annoying ...

And many, many disability bloggers are writing about this issue. The best, in my opinion, and one which has links to many other blogs is here:

Odd One Out

You will find suggestions for expressing your feelings about all this on the Odd One Out blog. I strongly suggest you do express yourself. Tomorrow it could be your child or mine...


  1. This is exactly what is happening to my son.

  2. Yes, this is a terrible situation. And not too terribly surprising in my opinion. The only difference is this teacher chose to do something where she was easily caught. I am interested in hearing what the investigation shows.

  3. Wow. I am sitting here in stunned disbelief. It is appalling really ...

  4. This is horrifying and heartwrenching.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...