Monday, May 19, 2008

Young Heroes

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank

It started as a school assignment. Myles and his classmates at Pocahontas Middle School – the school that Ashley attends – were studying Anne Frank. The teacher decided that her students would learn best by doing, and so put them into groups and assigned each group the task of coming up with a community service project. A successful outcome of the assignment would have the students learning that one person or a small group of people could make a positive change in their community.

I don’t know what all the student groups did, but Myles and four of his classmates decided to stage a 5K run to benefit the pediatric ward of our local Massey Cancer Center. Each of the five students knew someone whose life had been touched by cancer, and one of their schoolmates is currently battling cancer.

These five 8th graders – realize that means they are 13 and 14 years old - got necessary permits, hired police officers, secured sponsors and recruited participants for the first Wellesley 5K Fun Run. Thousands of participants signed on for the race, and the student’s original goal of raising $5000 was quickly surpassed. By the end of the race this past Saturday, the total board read $15,000+.

Ashley, Amy, Corey and I participated and even dressed up in our ‘hospital visiting’ clothes. So Princess Pink and Glam Girl were back, and this time Lady Ribbonly (Ashley) and the Pink Punk (Corey) came along also.

Besides the wonderful news that over $15,000 was raised for pediatric cancer research, I’m pleased to say that the Pink Brigade actually finished the race and WE WEREN’T LAST, and Myles and his team each received a ‘A’ for the class project!

Way to go, guys! I am so very proud of you all!


  1. Amazing! Kids did this???? Incredible! I am so proud of Myles. I bet he had a great time too.

  2. y'all looked great! Way to go--those kids raised a lot of money!

  3. Very cool! So great to hear it was such a success!


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