Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful...

  • for my gutted bathroom, the noise and the dust, and the construction supplies all around the house - because it means that very soon I will have a fully accessible bathroom for Ashley!

  • for everything bagels - my current vice

  • that on my day off (?) from work yesterday, I only had to work 3 hours from home - better than 8 hours, right?

  • for the very handsome yearbook pictures taken of Chip who will be a senior in high school this coming school year. It's so hard to believe. If I close my eyes I can still feel the weight of his tiny baby body in my arms.

  • for a large glass of iced cold water when I return from my nightly walk around the neighborhood

  • that my van repair only cost $52 yesterday

  • for friends like Sharon and her mom, Janice. Janice was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and in her inimitable fashion, is already talking about the 'boob job' she will be having.

  • for "summer sandwiches" - tomato, cucumbers, lettuce, and cheese on toasted italian bread

    and the final two thankful things come Amy...

  • for Deborah's ooey gooey buttercream frosted brownies

  • air conditioning!

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