Friday, August 1, 2008

Body Art

If your child has ever received occupational or physical therapy services, especially for a sensory processing disorder, you’ve probably heard of and seen Body Sox. They are like a very large pillowcase, and usually are made of a stretchy lycra-like fabric. Your child climbs into the Sox, and can then stretch all around. The stretching against the fabric provides sensory feedback, and can help some children get a better awareness of their body is space.

Ashley used one in therapy for a while, and she really enjoyed it. It was almost as if she was making an art piece while wearing it. She would pose herself in lots of different positions, hold the pose and look to her therapist for applause. I always thought I would like to have one at home, but when I found out how much they cost, I couldn’t afford it. But that little fact didn’t slow Ashley down.

While she was in her bedroom getting ready for bed one night last week, she decided to create her own Body Sox using her nightgown. When I returned to her room with her nighttime meds, there she was – posing once again. So, here she is in her own Sox creation, and quite pleased with herself as you can see.


  1. I have a blue one that we bought for M a few years ago. She does not like the feel of it. I would love to give it to Ashley. Please e mail me your address and I will send it your way pronto! It has barely been used.;)

  2. Wonderful! She looks like she's having a blast!

    I've always wanted to get one for Jaysen (as well as a weighted blanket and vest), but yes, they are awfully expensive. He'll do the same thing with his shirts, but it usually requires him to be "pantless" as well. Yeah- it's quite a sight. :)

    We should start up some kind of "therapy trade" where people can post items they're looking for, and what they have to give. Hmmm....

  3. The are expensive. I think I am going to help Myah learn to use her shirts in a similar fashion...whatever works! I read a post of another mother who lets her son climb in between the really tight sheet that covers a bed. Maybe this would work the same? I think I'll try both!
    Ashley is beautiful.


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