Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Special Exposure Wednesday

Every Wednesday over at 5 Minutes For Special Needs is Special Exposure Wednesday. I love seeing everyone's pictures, and decided to share one of my own today. For this particular week, the theme is SOOC - Straight Out Of the Camera - no photo editing, in other words.

Here is my entry. Someone please tell the blind kid (my lovely Ashley) that the cow is not real....


  1. That's so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a good sharer you are.
    Best wishes

  3. Oh this made me laugh! How sweet and silly!

  4. Thats too cute!! Thanks for the smile for today :-)

  5. I'm here from 5 Minutes for Special Needs, and I don't remember if I've commented before, so I'll go ahead and do it again. :) I'm only an hour away from you, studying to be a speech-language pathologist. I love reading about all these fantastic little and not-so-little ones and imagining the day when I will get to work with others like them!
    I was really appalled by how that dentist treated your daughter. Crooked teeth are not just a cosmetic problem, but they can cause articulation and eating difficulties as well. He is an embarrassment to the health-care profession. My dad is a dentist and he was equally appalled when I told him about this. I hope you find someone different soon!

  6. OMG- is that the cutest thing ever! Heck no, I'm not tellin' her!

    Totally made my day- thank you!

  7. Let's just pretend that it IS real. What a dolly she is!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...