Friday, August 15, 2008

TGIF and TG It's Over

I survived - just barely. The conference and family retreat for which I was a planner and and attendee ended Friday at 2pm. The sessions were excellent - the speakers first class - but the hotel facilities were horrible.

Yes, we were right on the beach, but I had no time to enjoy it once the conference started. I had to spend way too much time asking for our childcare rooms to be cleaned, for furniture to be moved, and trying to balance being a parent as well as one of the planners.

Thankfully, Amy was the childcare supervisor and she did an EXCELLENT job of organizing and managing one of the most important aspects of our retreat. The comments from the families were glowing! Our childcare workers, with a couple of exceptions, were outstanding, and the parents all wanted to take the workers home with them!

But, more important that the sessions, the speakers, the planners and the workers were the Dreamcatcher children. Even at my lowest moments, when I was feeling completely overwhelmed with the problems of accessibility at the hotel, all I had to do was visit the childcare rooms for a few moments and my spirit was refreshed. Here is a movie we made of the children and presented at the closing ceremonies of the conference. There were quite a few misty eyes among the 300 attendees...


  1. How could thse children not rekindle your spirit. Glad you had a good time.

  2. One of my favourite songs. I use to sing it a lot to the Blue Jay when she was but a little birdie in the hospital. Great video!


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