Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for rain - finally we are getting rain, lots of rain. It's too late for my garden and my flowers, but it's good for Mother Earth

  • for brownies filled with chocolate chunks, walnuts and dried cherries - yummmm!

  • for the news that the next season of Dancing With The Stars, beginning in late September, will once again feature professional dancer, Maksim - like the brownies, yummmm!

  • for the little stretch of cooler weather we are enjoying. The leaves are falling from the trees and it is beginning to feel like Fall

  • for my clean house, healthy kids, and the full refrigerator

  • that my friend, Sara, is marrying the love of her life this weekend

  • for cucumber melon scented shower gel. It's such a refreshing way to begin the morning.

  • that I had enough money to pay all the school fees for my four children. Of course that money could have also bought us a long weekend at the beach, but who am I to complain about the FREE education my children are getting.

  • for long holiday weekends and time off from work

  • for people who care - Stephen, the contractor, Jonathan and Sophia, the legal team, and everyone who helped them along the way to securing an accessible bathroom for Ashley


  1. This is a terrific list! I love the idea of writing about what you are thankful for. Have a great day!

  2. See, now I'm gonna have to make a chocolate-cherry milkshake instead of doing the laundry. I'm thankful for your list!

  3. Hi, I came over from 5MFSN and I love the idea of Thankful Thursday. Sometimes when feeling down or overwhelmed, we try to play the "Thankful Game" and list things just as you have done. What a great way to change a perspective!

  4. I enjoy Dancing with the Stars, too!


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