Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Special Exposure Wednesday

When the lovely Miss Brooke, daughter of my friend, Lynnette, was in the hospital to have a tracheotomy, Amy (Ashley's aide) and I decided to dress up to surprise Brooke. So, we drove two hours to the hospital dressed up as Princess Pink (me - on the right) and Glam Girl (Amy - on the left). Our reward was seeing the smile on Brooke's face!

Make sure to hop on over to 5 Minutes For Special Needs to check out all the other wonderful pictures. And, remember to enter the BidetSpa giveaway contest also.


  1. Ok - you've got to click on the picture and look at it full size to get the total effect. You gals are too cool! What a neat thing to do - and a special memory too :0)

  2. How cute!! You two are awesome! I'm sure you brightened her day immensely! I need to take frog's mom's advice and click on it to get the full effect:)
    Great sport and great friend!

  3. What a lovely thing to do. Hope Miss Brooke is ok.

  4. What a great photo and a wonderful way to cheer someone up!

  5. What an awesome thing to do, I'm sure it made her day! And you both look marvolous!!


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