Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thankful Thursday

On this cool, rainy day, I am thankful...

  • for big umbrellas

  • for homemade chicken soup

  • for Puffs tissues with lotion. I've got a sinus infection and these things are wonderful

  • that Dancing With the Stars is back on TV and that Maks is one of the professional dancers

  • for the three straight hours of sleep I got last night. Ashley's Melatonin may be starting to work!

  • that tomorrow is opening day for the movie Nights In Rodanthe. I love Richard Gere and Rodanthe (Outer Banks of North Carolina) is one of my favorite places in the world!

  • for the emails I got from Ashley's birthmother this past week

  • that hot cocoa season is right around the corner

  • for curbside recycling

  • for the help that my friend, Jackie, provided this week for our Dreamcatchers Family Support Group


  1. It sometimes takes awhile for that Melatonin. Good luck!


  2. For Grey's Anatomy TWO HOUR show tonight. (Feeling very shallow)

  3. Melatonin is the best. Works great for M and I have used it some as well. No grogginess the next day. I hope it does help Ashley. You need your sleep.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...