Monday, October 27, 2008

A Family of Clean Butts!

A while back, I told you about the wonders of the new BidetSpa toilet seat that was installed as part of my bathroom remodeling. And then, the BidetSpa company so graciously agreed to provide one of its BidetSpa products for a giveaway contest on the other site where I write – 5 Minutes for Special Needs. We had a lot of really amazing entries for the contest, but the team at 5MFSN chose Sara as the winner. Here is a snippet from Sara’s prize winning comments:

I have a developmentally disabled daughter who will be fourteen at the end of October. Happily she has been using the toilet successfully for 7 years but has not been able to learn the complexities of properly wiping. Unless an adult is present to do it for her she "skips it" altogether. I'm always worried about my daughter's hygiene. It's difficult enough to be different than your peers when you are a teenager, but if you also smell it really has a negative impact!

Sara’s name and contact information was sent to the Bidetspa company, and they immediately shipped out Sara’s prize. Here is the email she sent me upon receiving the product:

I just wanted to let you know I received the BidetSpa on Thursday. Here's the story of its arrival: Jamie had just come in from her school bus, the respite worker had just arrived and then the phone rang. It was my neighbor. "Hi Sara, I just wanted to see if you were home because I have a package here for you, (giggle, giggle)" "What could that be?" I answered. Her reply was muffled, probably because she was trying to hold back her giggles, but it sounded like: mmmrrfflspa from ffrflbutts.

"What?!??" I asked. She said she'd bring it right over leaving me puzzled as to what she was talking about. When I opened the door and saw her with the box I burst out laughing. "It's my toilet seat!!!"

We all gathered around and opened the box and I told her the story of how I'd won this prize. The box contained a lovely note from Paul J. Sochacki of the CleanButt Company.

My 19 year old respite person wasn't sure about the name CleanButt but she was very impressed with all the functions of the toilet seat. She thought we might have trouble getting people to leave the bathroom! My neighbor, who also has a special needs child, took one of the promotional DVD's with her to watch with her husband.

It is going to take us several weeks to get the bathroom ready to install the seat. We have to get the new toilet and linoleum installed as well as an outlet put in that will be closer to the toilet. I'm very motivated to get this work done so I can try that seat out!!! I'm hoping to have it working before Thanksgiving when my extended family (14 of them) is coming over.

Thanksgiving at Sara’s house sounds like it is going to be a blast!!


  1. Awesome! I never thought of this as a possibility. Very good idea.


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