Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • that this post is my 500th! Who would have thought I have that much to say? Okay, okay - just about everyone who knows me.

  • for the positive and productive IEP meeting I had earlier this week. Yes, it was only concerning one small thing. Yes, my complaint with the state Department of Ed is still pending. Yes, there are still LOTS of issues. But Monday's meeting worked.

  • for hot cocoa on a cold rainy night

  • that Rocky the dog has finally settled on his Halloween costume. Check back tomorrow for the great reveal!

  • that the price of a gallon of gas dropped below $2 this week! The kids and I may actually take a short road trip this weekend.

  • for the pumpkin cheescake one of my co-workers brought in yesterday - pure Heaven sheathed in a zillion calories

  • for flannel pajamas, and the fact that I have no significant other to complain if I want to wear flannel pajamas to bed every night

  • that Ashley's school has finally caught up with her red obsession. Today was red day at school.

  • that Cloris Leachman finally was ousted from Dancing With The Stars

  • that my boys both seemed to like their birthday presents and their birthday dinners. I just can't believe they are now 18 and 16 years old.


  1. Every Thursday you remind me to be thankful for the blog world - so much enjoyment for me. I'm thankful for you, too.

    (However, I did enjoy Cloris, knowing she would not be the winner, but, geez, what a great role model for us.)

  2. I am cracking up with your list today. I too was glad to see Cloris go but she did put most of us to shame with her ongoing energy! What an amazing woman!

    Your post made me really hungry for something sugary. Really...really hungry. Argh.

    Love the picture of Ashley. I love red too.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...