Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Special Exposure Wednesday

Two years ago, I started this blog with a story about Ashley dancing with a boy. That boy, Miles, was her first real crush, and while they attended middle school together, whenever I said his name, she would get the biggest smile on her face.

Unfortunately, Miles moved to high school this year. But last Friday, Ashley ran into Miles at a local grocery story. You can tell from the expression on her face that if he said, "Ashley, let's run away to Alaska, shoot moose, and watch turkeys being slaughtered", she would immediately start packing her rifle.

She definitely has not forgotten Miles...

Make sure to visit 5 Minutes For Special Needs to see all the other great SEW photos!


  1. I went back and read your first post. Miles sounds like a very special boy. If I were Ashley, I wouldn't forget him either!

  2. Now that is adoration! Lovely photo and what a great friend!

  3. She's got good tastes...he's cute! ;)

  4. She will probably never forget Miles. Heck, it's 25 years later and I still remember my first crush and just thinking about him still brings a huge smile to my face.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...