Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful...

  • for library Saturdays. Bringing home a pile of delicious books to read is almost as good as Christmas in my eyes

  • for the little space heater I have in my bedroom. For some reason, the rest of my house can be toasty warm with the themostat set at 68 degrees, but my room is an icebox

  • that Ashley seems to be feeling much better since getting antibiotics for her ear infections

  • that Petco took back the dog crate that Rocky destroyed in his separation anxiety induced frenzy. They gave me a full refund and I applied it towards a plastic enclosed crate which we are trying for the first time today. Wonder what I will find when I get home today...?

  • that I only have to work (at my paying job) two and a half days next week. I'm so looking forward to spending time at home with the kids and eating lots of good Thanksgiving food!

  • that my sons have gotten up all the leaves in our yard. Now, if the wind would stop blowing my neighbor's leaves into our yard, the boys would be much happier.

  • that Starbucks is once again selling their Caramel Apple Spice drink. It's my once a month treat - last year, it was a once a week treat, but with the economy, know

  • for the very special time I had last Sunday with Lynnette and Brooke at the Disney Playhouse Live show

  • that I have gone an entire week now without having to take my car into the shop - knock on wood

  • for earmuffs


  1. I was thinking of going to the library today.

    I am so thankful that Ashley is feeling better!

  2. Hi! I found your blog through Finding Normal and wanted to say hi!! Come stop my blog! One of my posts is about parenting a special child and I have questions for a mom just like you. I’d love any answers you have!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...