Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Special Exposure Wednesday

So, what do you do when you have an appointment with your neurosurgeon on Christmas Eve Eve, and everything is moving at a snail's pace? You find things in the doctor's exam room to amuse yourself, such as blowing up the exam gloves, getting you friend, Amy, to use the little hammer thing to check your elbow reflexes, putting on sunglasses and gazing at the overhead lights. pulling a scarf off Amy's head, and pretending to be a little birdy while Miss Amy feeds you.


  1. you gotta keep busy some how right!

  2. Great photos!! I love the one of her playing a little bird...Jess loves doing that too :-)

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

  3. Great photos!! I especially love the one of Ashley pretending to be a little bird...Jess loves doing that too :-)

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

  4. I think Miss Amy should get a full time job there!!
    Great photos!

  5. I love her facial expressions...she looks so into everything!


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