Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful…

  • For the wonderful days I spent with my children over the Thanksgiving holidays. In the hustle and bustle of the school year, there just never seems to be enough quality time. We made up for that last week.

  • That so far it still looks like I will be able to take vacation from work for the Christmas holidays

  • That the turkey and trimmings are finally finished. They were great, but I was getting tired of leftovers.

  • For the way my house looks dressed in all its Christmas finery

  • That Rocky dog is finally starting to mellow out a little bit. The phenobarbitol the vet prescribed is really helping.

  • For strangers who smile while shopping in very crowded stores

  • For big, fluffy snowflakes – the kind that can easily be caught on your tongue

  • For the great visit we enjoyed last weekend with my brother and niece

  • For a comfy couch, a warm throw, and a mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows on a cold winter night

  • For the new TV show, Secret Millionaire which debuted last night. It’s another one of those feel good shows like Extreme Makeover Home Edition, but I think we need more feel good shows on TV. I would much rather see a wealthy person share $50,000 with a family burdened by hospital bills for their young daughter with cancer than fake, but still very realistic looking, autopsies on shows such as CSI.

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of that show. I will have to check it out since there is so little to watch on t.v. right now. I always love your Thursday lists. They remind me of what I have to be thankful for as well.


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