Monday, January 19, 2009

Magic Marker Monday

Although I have never participated in Magic Marker Monday at 5 Minutes For Special Needs, today I had no choice! It doesn't get much better for Ashley - a day off from school, magic markers, some construction paper - ahhh, life is good!


  1. Welcome to Magic Marker Monday, Ashley! :) I'm so glad you joined in -- and I have to admit, I'm feeling a little star-struck -- I saw one of your lovely creations over at Maizie's mom, Marla's, blog a while back and thought it was just brilliant :)

    Looks like you've got another masterpiece in progress there too -- Thanks so much for joining in! (And lucky you with no school today!)

    ~Michelle @ 5MFSN

  2. Fun, fun!! Thanks for joining!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...