Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday

Ashley got a small fish tank and two orange (her favorite color) fish for Christmas. She loves looking at them swim around. Because she only has a small amount of vision in one eye (and is totatlly blind in the other), she must get really, really close to the tank, but the fish don't seem to mind!

Make sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday posts at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. Oh how lovely! What it is about fish that seems so magical when you're a child?!?

  2. How gorgeous! I bet she gets so much joy from them.

  3. KayTar just loves fish, too. She's taken to calling them all mermaids and she is VERY insistent about it, too.

  4. That is good pic Brandon has a hard time seeing also so I know what you mean about how close they have to get.


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