Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday

Ashley and I both have the flu and are feeling miserable. So for today's SEW picture, I'm choosing to go to a happier time and place - Summer at the lake!

Make sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes for Special Needs!


  1. Oh, I hope you two feel better soon! ((hugs))

  2. Ah, that's where I'd love to be right now! Hope you two feel better soon. I'm still recovering from the nasty flu bug that's going around...ugh!

  3. I am sorry you or sick feel better soon love those summer days and am wishing they were so here now.

  4. Hi guys,
    Hope you are starting to feel better. What did you decide to do about the Face Book issue?

  5. Sue, I haven't done anything yet other than continue to post what I want to post. I've been sick with the flu and just can't think real clearly. So, I delayed deciding what to do. However, I'm leaning towards doing nothing.

    If BM doesn't want to read what I post, she doesn't have to. I'm not a big fan of censorship...


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...