Friday, February 20, 2009

This and That - Good and Bad

Chip’s Dream

Chip, my birth son and my oldest child, got an acceptance letter in the mail yesterday from his first choice college. To say he is excited is an understatement. And, I hated to dampen that spirit, but unless RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) comes through with a significant financial aid package, he won’t be able to go. Each year at RIT costs $37,000!!

I think Chip deserves this so much. He has shared his Mom with three adopted siblings with significant disabilities since he was five years old. He has always been supportive, caring, and understanding. He has seen his wants and needs often pushed aside to meet the needs and wants of his siblings. He has had his whole life turned upside down by the decisions I have made for our family, and more than anything, I wish I could make his dream a reality.

No More Bird Music

Back in March of 2007, I wrote about how excited I was when Ashley signed that she could hear the ‘bird music’ (birds singing). Given her hearing impairment, I was both surprised and thrilled.

This past Monday Ashley had another hearing evaluation. Previously, her right ear was evaluated as having a profound loss, and her left with a moderate loss. Monday’s results showed what I already knew – her little bit of hearing was deteriorating. The new evaluation continues to show a profound loss in the right ear, but the left ear now measures as severe to profound.

While we waited for the school bus yesterday morning, the birds were singing very, very loudly. I asked her if she could hear the ‘bird music’. She signed ‘no’….


  1. I'm so sorry about the hearing test. My own girl is having more hearing problems and it looks like the hearing aids aren't really helping that much. I know how frustrating it is to watch your children lose skills. I'm sending you both hugs.

    And congratulations to your son for his acceptance into such an excellent school. Even if you guys can't get the money to go, the fact that he got IN is fantastic. That is a competitive school. He should be proud!

  2. Hoping Chip gets his dream school...knowing that he got in is just a major accomplishment.

    Sorry to hear Ashley cannot hear the birds. I haven't experienced that yet with my son, but can understand (a little) how sad that must know that she is losing more hearing. You must be thankful, though, that she got to hear them in the first place. Sending happy thoughts your way.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that Ashley can't hear the birds any more. We'll probably go through this with Connor at some point, and I'm not looking forward to that day. Tell her that we're thinking about her, will you?

    Here's hoping that Chip's able to attend RIT! We'll keep our fingers crossed for him.

    I left you an award over at my blog, by the way. :)



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