Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • that my kids are finally going back to school tomorrow. An unexpected snow storm has kept them out of school for the last three days. It's time, really time, for them to return.

  • that my cat is not the ugliest cat in the world.

  • for the great chicken soup Miss Amy made today and had waiting for our dinner tonight.

  • for all the folks at my adoption support group meeting which was held yesterday.

  • for Ashley's calm, patient attitude during her quarterly blood work which was done yesterday. She has really come a long way. It wasn't too terribly long ago that it took four people to hold her down during a blood draw.

  • that The Bachelor is over. I was really enjoying it, until the end, that is. Jason, I just don't know about you now...

  • that although the low temperature this morning was 10 degrees, on Saturday the forecast is calling for 78 degrees. My poor plants are so confused...

  • for the morning emails I receive from my sweet friend, Lynnette. She helps keep me grounded when all around me seems crazy.

  • for ice cream sundaes, especially during a snow storm

  • that the auditor is finally finished with me at work. Now we just wait for the bad news.


  1. Deborah, that cat might give me nightmares

  2. OMG...what is that??? is it really a cat???

  3. Is it a cat? It looks like some kind of marsupial.

  4. It is indeed a cat. I think it looks like some kind of space alien!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...