Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for the beautiful day yesterday. The kids and I had a 1/2 day off and we made the most of the lovely weather.

  • that my local handyman did a toiletectomy for me yesterday. Ahh, the joy of having my bathroom back....

  • for Dana, the attorney who met with my daughter, Jessica and me this week to help us sort out my guardianship questions

  • for pistachio ice cream

  • that I have two strong sons to help with yardwork

  • for the special picture that a dear friend shared with me this week

  • that so far I am able to make my mortgage payment. It breaks my heart to think of families losing their homes

  • for double coupon day at my local grocery store

  • that Ashley let me paint her toenails pink

  • for my Dyson vacuum cleaner. With four kids, a dog, and two cats, the Dyson Animal is a must have


  1. Dana, you say?
    Anxiously awaiting ... no pressure. :D

  2. I hesitated to buy a Dyson for years, even though I am a rabbid vacuumer! When I bought one, I bought an animal. I actually wrote a post about it . . . in which I said I would give up my husband before I'd part with my Dyson! :)

  3. What a lovely list! I should make one myself.

  4. Sheri, I know just how you feel! Where I go, there goes my Dyson!

  5. MMC, I will definitely be blogging about the guardianship issue very soon. It might be next Monday or Tuesday...

  6. Trish, I do a Thankful Thursday list every week and have for a year and a half. I find that it helps me refocus when the world around me seems to be crumbling sometimes :)


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