Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What The Heck Is Going On?

I have run across two news articles in the last week that concern me greatly. The first article tells how fewer than 10 percent of Blind Americans can read Braille. The second article, a student’s personal story, appeared in the Columbia University Spectator. The student labels himself as one of a very few Deaf students at the university who sign.

What is going on here? I fight every single day to have Ashley educated in both Braille and sign, and yet adults are rejecting both those things. I don’t get it…


  1. " I fight every single day to have Ashley educated in both Braille and sign, and yet adults are rejecting both those things."

    While I agree totally with this, there are also a lot of people who loose their sight at a late age, and for them it is just too difficult to learn braille.
    but yes, I do also know people who choose not to use braille. My friend learned braille at 14, but she hardly ever makes use of braille, and because of that still struggles with reading. Even though i learned braille only a short time before here I can currently read about twice as fast as her, because I actively use braille.

    It makes me sad when I hear about visually impaired people having to struggle with print they can hardly read when they'd do far better of they had only been taught to read braille.

  2. Wow. I'm kind of surprised to hear that!


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