Monday, April 27, 2009

The Alexander Society

My regular readers know that I feel it is important for people with disabilities to explore and develop their creative abilities. Ashley, for example, has always enjoyed making three dimensional art, and she is included in a regular education art class at her school this year. It is her favorite class and her art work has been displayed around the school and in a local art show. So, you can imagine how excited I was to find this story on the Alexander Society.

From their website, “The Alexander Society for Special Needs was incorporated as a non-profit society on November 17, 2000, and received Charitable Status on November 14, 2001. The Society is based in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada and has a six-member Board of Directors.

The objects of the Society are: to provide arts-based educational programs to children and teens with special needs, to provide resources for people working with special needs populations, to organize workshops and special guest speakers, to produce materials such as videos and workbooks, and to promote the inclusion of people with special needs into their communities."

Although this program is in Canada, I believe it can serve as a model for all of us. I plan to share this information with Ashley’s art teacher, Ms. Wirz. Ms. Wirz is young, enthusiastic and has been the driving force in Ashley’s inclusion in both art class and the school’s art club. I believe she is just the kind of person who can take this model and run with it!!

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