Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Want More Time With You...

I so look forward to spending my nights with you, but I hate having to leave each morning.

You wrap me in a warm cocoon, and support me in ways you will never know.

I want to spend more time with you – lots more time – but can’t because of the demands of my life, especially the need to care for my children. But you always understand that, don’t you?

I find myself thinking about you, fantasizing about you, especially in the late afternoon when my work day is drawing to a close but my time of being needed by my children is just beginning.

Along about 8pm each night, I start to constantly glance at the clock – mentally calculating the number of hours and minutes until I can be with you again. Those minutes and hours seem to drag by.

And on the weekends, I silently pray my children will sleep just a while longer – a few more minutes until I have to leave you again, ending my escape to that utopia to which you take me.

I’m very happy that I don’t have to share you with anyone. You’re always there just waiting for me and me alone.

Ahhh yes, my warm, snuggly bed – I will always need you and want you. I hope you know that!

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