Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for my upcoming three day weekend. Ashley's intervener is out of town on Monday, and Monday is the start of Spring Break for my kids. Darn it all, I have to take Monday off :)

  • that my son will look up recipes on the Internet that he wants me to try. He even makes the shopping list in support of the recipe!

  • that Ashley had several very nice birthday celebrations. And a special thanks to everyone who wished her happy birthday!

  • for $5 footlong subs from Subway

  • that my Spring flowers are just starting to show themselves. I love this time of year!

  • for Daylight Savings Time. Now I can get a walk in after dinner and it is still light outside.

  • that all the Reese's peanut butter eggs in my house are gone.

  • that the ASL grammar concept that my sign language teacher has tried so hard to drill into me is actually starting to click.

  • that I have no extra things to do tonight. This has been a very busy week - class on Monday night, class on Tuesday night, helping some friends produce a video last night - and tonight, just the usual, kid care - dinner - clean up - two loads of laundry, including folding and putting away - house straightening - ahh, I'm starting to feel lazy already!

  • for the new little video camera that my son bought for me. It's simple, it's digital, and I don't have to keep asking for help to use it!

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