Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday

UPDATE: We have a winner! Kitty and Queenbuv3, I took both guesses and researched them on the Internet. Here is a link I found for the Eye hawk Moth and one for the Hyalophora Cecropia. Based on that research, the winner is Queenbuv3!!! Queen, send me your mailing information via my email link on this page, and I will send your prize to you!

We had an unexpected visitor at our house yesterday afternoon! I have no idea if it is a butterfly or a moth (I'm leaning towards moth), but Ashley loved it! I have a special prize waiting for the person who can tell me exactly what it is :)

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. your right it is a moth! its called an eye hawk moth and the markings when moved look like blinking eyes to fend of butterflies!!

  2. I believe it is Hyalophora Cecropia. It's absolutely beautiful!

  3. it should read to fend of preditors!!

  4. Wow - it is beautiful! I have never seen anything like it.

  5. Beautiful. I've never seen one so big or colorful before. Thanks for sharing.


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