Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful…

  • that Mr. Baldwin is hanging in there and kicking cancer’s butt just a little

  • for thickly sliced tomatoes on an everything bagel with veggie cream cheese, cucumbers and lettuce

  • for bubbles – blowing bubbles, bubble bath and champagne bubbles

  • for a certain strong-willed 14 year old girl who gives the best hugs and kisses ever

  • for the lovely article Erin wrote about Ashley. Erin is herself a remarkable young woman and a great writer. Check it out!

  • for cool mornings and hot days – the perfect summer so far in my neck of the woods

  • that I have so many vegetables coming in my garden that I am able to share with my friends and neighbors

  • for that wonderful time of evening when all my chores are finished and I am able to sit back, put my feet up and just be still for a while

  • for homemade lemonade made with real lemons and sugar water

  • that I believe Chip and I have figured out how to pay for at least his first semester of college

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